Resolution Approved Supporting “Transition Streets” Charlottesville City Council Meeting

Charlottesville City Council approved a resolution last night supporting “Transition Streets”. The resolution endorses Transition Streets, recognizes its positive impact on the community, and encourages City staff to assist in outreach efforts.
City staff (Susan Elliott, Climate Protection Program Coordinator, and Kristel Riddervold, Environmental Sustainability Manager) recommended approval of this resolution because it aligns with the City Council Vision of “A Green City” and supports several objectives in the Strategic Plan.
Transition Streets launched in Charlottesville earlier this month. The Transition Streets program encourages neighbors to get together in small groups to share ideas about changes they can make right here and now to increase energy efficiency, reduce waste, eat fresh and local food, and build a stronger community. In the process, each household can save up to $950 per year on utility bills!
Transition Charlottesville Albemarle provides an experienced coordinator, facilitators’ guides, and an action-packed workbook to each new neighborhood group.
“The discussions prompted by the Transition Streets workbook led us to talk about important things in our lives, supporting each other to make positive changes, and brought us closer together.”
–Wendy Roberman, Woolen Mills neighborhood
“What we most appreciated is the fact that through Transition Streets, we are becoming a more vibrant, connected, resilient and fun neighborhood.”
–Logan, Little High neighborhood
Transition Streets groups are now forming in Belmont, North Downtown, and several other neighborhoods in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
For more information on how to bring Transition Streets to your neighborhood, go to  or contact a neighborhood coordinator at streets@