Rural area & mountaintop protection

During the next two weeks there are opportunities to attend open houses and speak at public hearings to provide feedback on both the

mountaintop protection ordinance and proposals to cluster and phase the rate of development in the rural areas

.  Recommendations have come forward from citizen committees and from work related to the Board of Supervisors’ review of our comprehensive plan for the rural areas.

Now they want your feedback!

Additional resources on Albemarle County’s website:

This week you can stop by the second floor lobby of the County Office Building between 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm to review materials and talk to staff about the proposed ordinances – presentations will be offered several times throughout the evening.

Next week, there are two public input sessions before the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission.

Both meetings will be held in the Burley Middle School Auditorium beginning at 6:00 pm.

Brian Wheeler