Clay Sisk – Albemarle County

Tell us about your volunteer activities.
I volunteered for over 10 years at the studios of Learning Ally (formerly “Reading for the Blind and Dyslexic”) until it closed during the recession. Over four years ago I was asked to lead the Senior Center, Apple/Mac Users Group (originally the Macintosh Users Group) and have been holding classes there most Thursdays since.

What inspires you to volunteer?
There are people who have needs, I’m able to fulfill some of them.

If your volunteer work could make one long-lasting change, what would you want it be?
It would be great if it inspired others to volunteer for similar activities.

What is a little-known fact about you?  
I led the program implementing the National Poison Prevention Packaging Act in the early 1970s. This resulted in the availability of “Child-Resistant Packaging” and a significant reduction in childhood poisoning from the ingestion of harmful substances. My first job was in 1946 in actor Ed Harris’s (The Right Stuff, et. al.) grandfather’s barber shop in Oklahoma shining shoes and sweeping out.

What brought you to Charlottesville/Albemarle County?
When fully retiring Charlottesville was chosen for its location midway between two of our sons, the proximity to nearby hiking trails and for the medical and cultural benefits of the area.