Leah Puryear, Charlottesville School Board
Leah Puryear is a candidate for the Charlottesville School Board.  Three of seven at-large seats on board will be determined in the November 5 election. Puryear is an incumbent and there are no contested races.

Each candidate was interviewed by Charlottesville Tomorrow and asked 9 questions about their qualifications, priorities and important education  issues.  Included in the box at the right are links to the full transcript and audio recording of those interviews (also available on iTunes).

Highlights of all the candidate responses are available in this downloadable 2013 Voter Guide.

Bio: I have decided to seek a third term on the Charlottesville City School Board because I feel there are still several issues that our Board continues to move forward, that I feel passionate about, and that I would like to contribute to their continuation. They are the expansion of our three year old program, the reconfiguration of our schools and the renovation of Buford Middle School. The African-American student graduation and college going rates continue to improve as well. All of these issues strengthen not only our students but our community as well.

Education: B.A., Hampton Institute, M.A., University of the District of Columbia

Occupation: Education Administration

Previous political experience: Charlottesville City School Board

Age on Election Day: 60

Neighborhood or area of residence: Greenbrier

Family: Alysha Corbin and Eugene Puryear

Other interests and experiences: Reading, listening to jazz, active member of Trinity Episcopal Church

Telephone: (434) 964-1275

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