Yesterday, I made my weekly visit to Coy Barefoot’s radio show on WINA.  The topic of the day was the proposed North Pointe rezoning under review by Albemarle County.  Sean Tubbs and the Charlottesville Podcasting Network have the podcast available here:

As I described on the show, I took some time last weekend to listen to the 3 hour recording of the March 10, 2006 North Pointe public hearing.  My goal was to scorecard each of the 39 public speakers and distill out of the evening’s discussions the major themes of the public’s current assessment of this large rezoning request.

My assessment is that the public feedback was evenly split between those for and against the project. When I make that assessment, I eliminate the feedback from people who stated they had a direct economic interest in the project (nine speakers that were consultants, realtors, builders, investors, attorneys, etc.).  I include the advocates representing various constituent groups (Chamber of Commerce, Charlottesville Area Association of Realtors, environmental groups).

If you look at all thirty-nine speakers, the following themes were most commonly shared by those for and against North Pointe:

Note: This doesn’t mean the remaining 67-69% of speakers were necessarily against these two concepts, it is simply an indication of the most popular themes expressed in the public speakers’ remarks.

Strongest themes among those supporting North Pointe:

Strongest themes among those opposed to North Pointe:

Brian Wheeler

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