It is a great feeling when people reach out to tell me how much they love Charlottesville Tomorrow. I get to hear how one of our stories made a difference in somebody’s life or how much they respect our reporters or why they find our email newsletter useful. I also hear over and over again that people want us to do more and that they wish more people knew about our work.

The reality is that in today’s algorithm-governed digital distribution landscape, it is very hard to get noticed, and even when people do read our stories, they might not remember who made them.

That’s where you come in! Our journalism is free to anyone who wants it, but it’s not free to produce and distribute. We’ve set an ambitious goal to raise $350,000 by the end of the year — and you can help by spreading the word about what we do!

We’re created a short, shareable slideshow that explains who we are, what we do and why we do it. It shares quick links to some of our top stories of the year like our 2022 Voter Guide and our Changing Charlottesville series.  And it explains why we need to raise $350,000 and how our community can help build independent, sustainable local news.

Click on the image to move through the slides, and expand it if you’re on your phone.

Or you can share this message with a friend. Let’s show the world that community-driven, local news has a future in Charlottesville!

I'm Charlottesville Tomorrow's Executive Director. Want to let me know what you think about Charlottesville Tomorrow or what’s missing in local media? Connect with me here. The best way to stay connected to our community of readers is to subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, which you can do by clicking here.