WCAV (CBS 19) is reporting


Albemarle County Supervisor David Wyant (R-White Hall)

has announced he is running for re-election.  He told WCAV, “I’ve accomplished a lot in really understanding the infrastructure and development as needed, but also putting money in the classroom and educational system and putting the every day person’s approach to running county government.”

Mr. Wyant was

elected to hist first term in 2003

, defeating current Planning Commissioner Eric Strucko by 360 votes.  Mr. Strucko moved to the Samuel Miller District and was appointed by Supervisor Sally Thomas to the Planning Commission.  Wyant is currently Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.  He is being

challenged by Democrat Ann Mallek


Three seats on the six-member Board of Supervisors will be on the November ballot and voters in the County’s




Districts also have incumbents in contested elections.  See

Charlottesville Tomorrow’s complete 2007 local election coverage


Brian Wheeler

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