Kate Acuff
Kate Acuff is a candidate for the Jack Jouett District seat on the Albemarle County School Board.  Three of seven seats on board will be determined in the November 5 election. Acuff is uncontested.

Each candidate was interviewed by Charlottesville Tomorrow and asked 9 questions about their qualifications, priorities and important education  issues.  Included in the box at the right are links to the full transcript and audio recording of those interviews (also available on iTunes).

Highlights of all the candidate responses are available in this downloadable 2013 Voter Guide.

Bio: My background is in law, science, health and public policy.  I have worked in the private and public sectors and now consult, primarily with not-for-profits.

I have long been interested in education, particularly in science education.  My father taught science in public schools for forty years. I am a product of public schools as is my daughter.  Both of my granddaughters attend public schools.  I believe promoting a first rate public education is the most important thing local government does–not only for launching good citizens but for ensuring the strength of our workforce and economy.

Education: B.S. Microbiology, University of Tulsa; M.S. Microbiology & Immunology, University of Colorado; Ph.D. & M.P.H. Public Health, Public Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; J.D., Georgetown University Law School.

Occupation: Health Policy Consultant

Previous Political Experience: Have volunteered in many elections at the federal, state and local levels; Currently, I am in the University of Virginia’s Sorensen Institute’s Political Leadership Program

Age on Election Day: 62

Neighborhood or area of residence: Ivy Farm neighborhood

Family: Husband, Edward D. Hess, Professor, UVA’s Darden School of Business and Batten Institute Executive in Residence; Daughter, Jen Jenacova, and two granddaughters, Sarah Jenacova, aged 10, and Caroline Jenacova, aged 7

Other interests and experiences:

Telephone: (434) 979-6333


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