This is an experimental blog post taking advantage of the camera on my Treo mobile phone and some publishing software from my blog host, TypePad. This is an example of how blogs and wireless Internet access are important tools for citizen journalists and “new media” organizations like Charlottesville Tomorrow.

In this case, I am attending a celebration at the Charlottesville Albemarle Convention and Visitors Bureau honoring the City for two recent national awards for their new website. The site is certainly an improvement and I am looking forward to support for RSS feeds on media releases, calendar items, and the agendas for City Council and the Planning Commission. Ric Barrick, the City’s Director of Communications, tells me video streaming of Council meetings, RSS feeds, and blogging are coming soon, and in that order. Albemarle County’s website needs those tools too, but they are taking a major leap forward with a

public geographic information system (GIS)

in the next couple of months.

I’ll wrap this up as my fingers are getting tired from using my mobile phone keyboard and they are about to give away door prizes.

Brian Wheeler


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